
Birthing · 11 April 2020
St Patricks Day 2020 was a day the seriousness of our world came real. The French government asked its people to stay at home. Restaurants and cafes already closed . If you can work from home do. It was the whole world trying to fight a virus never seen before, how it was going to effect the various people in our communities. As a midwife it was a scramble to find out what can I do for the pregnant women whom had trusted me to guide them . I needed to make contact with them all to make sure they

Birthing · 02 October 2019
Anaemia : this is a constant worry when you are pregnant. Usually it is checked several times during the 9 months. It would be important ...

Birthing · 12 June 2019
We all understand the necessity in preparing the cloths we wish to birth in , pads, wash bag, baby cloths etc. but I have noticed over the past few years mum's don’t talk so much about what they will need to make the birthing environment more theirs. No matter where you birth whether at home or in a clinic or hospital this is in fact important.