Qui suis-je

Diana Powell Bodrone, midwife since 25 years

Since 1986 my life has been on the most amazing journey as a midwife. I trained in Cork, my home town in Ireland and then took off to the UK, New Zealand and Australia. Returning home after many years I worked briefly in Cork but soon found myself working with a great team in Dublin and I became a Lactation Consultant.

Like many Irish midwives, I thought working in a culture not like my own would be a positive experience, so off again this time to Saudi Arabia.


Then came the job of my dreams - my boss in Dublin called me back to be part of a team to start up a Pilot Project for home and hospital births with a team of 8 midwives. It was a really wonderful experience working with the families and with this team. Then love got in the way and the birth of my first son. My family life had me packing my bags again, this time to Paris. So this is where I am now working as a Community Midwife in the Ile de France.


Midwifery, Neonatal care, Lactation Consultancy, Hospital and community work in foreign lands and in Ireland, have each added a layer to my experience.

Over the years, as I meet and work with women at a very profound time in their lives, I have come to have a strong belief in empowerment. I believe that when a Mother has a choice and is part of the decision making for the birth of her baby and her health issues, she will make the correct decision for herself and her family. Informed choice is enormously important and a basic human right.


One of the positive aspects of my work is having the feeling that I am still travelling, as I meet and work with families from so many parts of the world... my adventure continues ...


I hope we get a chance to meet,
