
Top Tips for Breastfeeding : 4 of 4


Read about what happens in the first month, it is a unique and is a very important period. Going well it sets you up for this breast feeding journey. Get help from people who have a good knowledge of breastfeeding. The earlier you have help when it is hard the quicker the overwhelming situation settles and all your worries are alleviated. We have a hard time in this time of our lives to give ourselves permission to step away from the world and just be. What I see is it can take many months to adapt to our Mother role, be realistic in what to except of yourself. A start to this part of letting go is in fact before baby arrives. Discussion with your support people what you would like them to be responsible for. We return again to the sentence ”It takes a village to raise a child”... Having support allows you to nest while to establish breastfeeding your baby. A new baby doesn’t leave you much time for doing much time for doing much else than caring for this little bundle so let it flow. Let others care for you. My parting word is read up on the 4th trimester and let yourself be in the moment. There are many publications on this subject. This book has been recommended to me by many Mums, it does give a good understanding of the Fourth Trimester.

Wishing you the best on this breastfeeding adventure.
